Anti-carbonation and corrosion protection


Migratory corrosion inhibitor


MCI-2021 is a migratory corrosion inhibitor that protects imbedded steel reinforcement within concrete structures. The one component product is applied onto the surface of the structure and seals the pores by penetrating into the concrete. As a result of the sealing, a water repellent surface is achieved, resulting in the prevention of carbonation and intrusion of chlorides, as well as protecting against acid and alkaline attack.
MCI-2021 is designed to migrate through the pores of the structure and search for the imbedded steel reinforcement within, ultimately forming a monomolecular protective layer on the steel rebars.


• Provides durable protection against corrosion of rebars
• Easy to apply via spraying
• Allows vapour transmission - not a water barrier
• Can be brush or spray applied
• Perfect solution in combination with S&P concrete repair mortars
• Excellent migratory and protection properties - even in dense concrete structures
• Increases abrasion resistance of the concrete


• Existing concrete surfaces in need of corrosion protection
• Following application of S&P repair mortars
• Can be used on a wide variety of concrete structures
• Marine structures
• Protection of surrfaces subject to chemical and/or acid attack

Technical Documents

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S&P Clever Reinforcement Switzerland

S&P Clever Reinforcement Company AG Headquarters

Seewernstrasse 127
6423 Seewen