Legal Info
S&P Clever Reinforcement Company AG
Seewernstrasse 127
CH-6423 Seewen
Tel. +41 41 825 00 70
Fax +41 41 825 00 75
Legal notices
The entire contents (logo, text, graphics, images, etc.) of this website is copyrighted and belongs, unless otherwise stated, exclusively and entirely to S&P Clever Reinforcement Company AG (hereafter S&P). Without the consent of S&P, they may neither be copied, nor modified or used on other websites. The downloading or printing out of individual pages and/or sections of the website is permitted exclusively for personal use, provided that neither the copyright notices nor other protected designations are removed. In no case, however, will a licence or right of use be granted for a picture, registered trade mark or a logo. Furthermore, by downloading or copying data, no rights will be transferred in terms of the software or other elements of the website. Likewise, these websites may contain references to property and usage rights of third parties, which are also to be observed. The information and services contained on the web pages are provided by S&P for information purposes only.
It is permitted to download, save, print or otherwise reproduce individual pages and/or sections of the website for personal or internal company purposes, provided that neither the copyright notices nor other legally protected designations are removed. This permission may be revoked at any time. In no case, however, will a licence or right of use be granted for a picture, registered trade mark or a logo. Furthermore, by downloading or copying data, no rights will be transferred in terms of the software or other elements of the website. All property rights and rights of use remain with S&P. Reproduction (completely or in part), transmission (electronically or by other means), modification, linking or use of the information and services of all kinds contained on this website for public or commercial purposes are permitted only with the prior written consent of S&P.
No guarantee of accuracy
Although S&P takes every care that the contents of the website are correct at the time of publication, S&P assumes no liability for the accuracy, correctness, completeness and topicality of the information provided. S&P gives no guarantee that the functions on the website are not interrupted, error-free or free of harmful components, (viruses, etc.) and rules out all liability or responsibility for any incorrect or incomplete contents of this website. Documents and graphics may contain technical or typographical errors. The use, browsing or downloading of documents and files from this website is at the user's own risk, who is also responsible for the data backup. In addition, S&P assumes no responsibility and shall not be liable for any virus or other damage to the computer system of the user or to other property which comes about by accessing this website, using it or browsing on the website or is caused by downloading materials, data, text, images, video or audio material from the website. Previews, schedules and information are subject to subsequent amendments and are without any guarantee.
Liability claims on a contractual and non-contractual basis for (direct and indirect) damage of material or immaterial nature, caused by the use or non-use of the provided information or by the use of incorrect and incomplete information, are ruled out within the framework of what is legally permissible. The exclusion of liability also applies to the involvement of auxiliary personnel. S&P reserves the right, at any time without prior notice to make changes to the internet presence.
Final clauses
If parts or individual formulations of this text do not, no longer or do not completely comply with the applicable legal situation, the remaining parts of the document remain unaffected in their content and validity.
Court of jurisdiction
Insofar as any legal relationship has been established between S&P and the users of the website, this shall be subject to Swiss law. Seewen/SZ (Switzerland) is regarded as the exclusive Court of jurisdiction.
Data Privacy
To the data privacy principles