Technical Day | Bilbao | 26th January 2024


Technical Seminar: Carbon Fibre Structural Reinforcement Solutions

The event takes place on January 26th from 11:00 am until 2:00 pm.

Place and date: Bilbao, 26th January 2024

Organiser: Caminos Euskadi


11:00 h. - Reception of attendees.
11:15 h. - General presentation of the conference and S&P Reinforcement.
11:30 h. - Repair and structural reinforcement solutions from S&P Reinforcement.
12:00 h. - Reinforcement of structures with composite materials: FRCM (Fabric-Reinforced Cementitious Matrix) and FRP.
12:45 h. - Pavement reinforcement with Geogrids. Carbon and glass grids impregnated with bitumen.
13:30 h. - Q&A
13:45 h. - Acknowledgement and lunch

Speaker: Iván Carracedo Cabadas (Civil Engineer - S&P Reinforcement Spain)


S&P Clever Reinforcement Switzerland

S&P Clever Reinforcement Company AG Headquarters

Seewernstrasse 127
6423 Seewen